EFITA (European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture) is organizing its 11th scientific congress this year. This European-wide seminar is dedicated to the future use of ICT in agri-food sector, bioresources et biomass sector The first EFITA congress was held in 1997 and Montpellier is most happy to welcome this 11th edition from 2 to 6 July. The event will take place in the pleasant site of the renowned Montpellier SupAgro school. 200 participants are expected.
The call for papers is open until February 28th. The call for demonstration until April 18th. These calls are open to both public and private researchers and engineers. Acceptance of oral communications and posters is decided on the basis of an extended summary.
Come and enjoy three days of exchange and knowledge sharing in a quality atmosphere. Related events such as project meetings, invited sessions, demonstrations, BtoB meetings or a technical tour on Thursday 6th July will also take place during this congress. More information about the program and the call for papers on the website www.efita2017.org.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
It will be our pleasure to meet you from 2nd to 6th July in Montpellier.
The organizing committee:
Dr. Jean-Pierre Chanet (President of the AFIA, Irstea)
Dr Olivier Naud (Irstea)
Teacher. Bruno Tisseyre (Supagro)
Orlane Gadet (Irstea) – orlane.gadet@irstea.fr
You will find two flyers: Call for researchers – 2017 EFITA CONGRESS, the other for Call for companies – 2017 EFITA CONGRESS.
Could you relay this information and these documents in your networks?