Finished project – ARCHIVE
Zemědělství má strategický význam pro evropskou společnost a hospodářství. Vzhledem ke své komplexnosti je potřeba spravovat mnoho různých heterogenních zdrojů a informací pro následná ekonomicky a environmentálně šetrná rozhodnutí.
Pro současnou techniku, která se využívá v zemědělských strojích je potřeba zajistit sdílení heterogenních prostorových a jiných dat, jejich ukládání a následnou analýzu pro aplikační technologie. Tyto datové zdroje a jejich dostupnost jsou v současné době překážkou pro optimální využívání aplikací v precizním zemědělství, kde se užívá velké množství různých datových modelů, formátů, rozhraní a referenčních systémů, které pak nedovolují optimálně využívat všechny datové zdroje. Projekt usnadní vstup na trh nových firem a rozvoj inovačních služeb. Foodie bude podporovat malé a střední podniky, aby se chopily nových obchodních příležitostí, které se nabízí jako výstupy projektu. Výstupy projektu a cíle budou realizovány prostřednictvím výsledného návrhu infrastruktury a servisních služeb , které budou ověřované ve třech různých pilotních scénářů v Evropě … prezentace projektu Foodie
FOODIE – Farm-Oriented Open Data in Europe (2014 – 2017)
The key point of FOODIE project is creating a platform hub on the cloud where spatial and non-spatial data related to agricultural sector are available for agri-food stakeholders groups and interoperable. It will offer an infrastructure for the building of an interacting and collaborative network; the integration of existing open datasets related to agriculture; data publication and data linking of external agriculture data sources, providing specific and high-value applications and services for the support of planning and decision-making processes.
FOODIE service platform will make use of existing spatial information resources and services. It will also provide an open API that will allow the stakeholders to access to different data sources and agricultural advisory services in order to foster better decision-making processes. And it will enable businesses and SMEs specialized in the agricultural domain to build innovative solutions and services for their customers.
FOODIE will enable and incentivize the creation of high-value applications and services for the support in the planning and decision-making processes of different stakeholders groups, through its open, standards-based and interoperable agricultural specialized platform hub on the cloud. In addition, FOODIE will provide reward mechanisms for data sharing in order to incentivize external data providers to bring their data sets to the platform.
FOODIE project will enable farmers to provide their own data by the provision of easy to use crowdsourcing tools and applications that encapsulate the complexity of the underlying services technology. For instance, this could be a mobile or web application that offers a form with fields for collecting specific information from his farm or a wizard application that allows him to configure with a few “clicks” the sensor system within its farm to send periodically the observations to FOODIE platform.
OpenTransportNet je nový projekt, který umožní po celé Evropě a to revolučním způsobem propojit data a služby související s dopravou. Projekt je směřován do oblastí ( regiony, obchod, rozvoj, občané ). Výstupy z projektu ověří a umožní v pilotních aplikacích shromáždit a harmonizovat data související s dopravou. Pomocí analytických nástrojů se propojí a vizualizují data, a tím se zvýší nejen pro oblast řízení jejich informační potenciál pro další efektivní uplatnění výše uvedených zájmových oblastech. Pro další rozvoj OTN jsou připraveny virtuální datové repository a služby , které poskytují nástroje pro tvorbu a vývoj nových služeb a aplikací , včetně snadnějších přístupů do API a GUI pro analýzy dat. V rámci pilotních aplikací si můžete ověřit , co se dá dělat s daty OTN pro vás umožní snadné vytvoření vlastní mapové aplikace, která mohou být snadno použita a vložena na vašich vlastních webových stránkách. Není potřeba velkých technických zkušeností… Více na: Opentransportnet
OTN – Open Transport Net (2014 – 2017)
OpenTransportNet is an exciting new project designed to revolutionise the way transport related services are created across Europe. By bringing together open geo-spatial data within City Data Hubs and enabling it to be viewed in new easy to understand ways, OpenTransportNet will enable:
- Anyone to have fun with data, by viewing data mash-up’s in maps and graphs and be able to use and embed these maps in their own websites
- Public Sector users to gain insights from linking and visualising different data sets and be able to make better public service decisions based on the findings
- Businesses and entrepreneurs to use the data to enhance existing services and build new transport-related services
- The wider open community to benefit from the project outputs and findings to advance geospatial data standards such as INSPIRE
European Location Framework (ELF) ……….. více o ELF projektu
Cílem tohoto projektu bylo poskytnout evropsky lokalizovaný rámec (ELF) pro požadované poskytování referenčních , interoperabilních, přeshraničních, aktualizovaných dat a geoinformací pro použití ze strany evropské veřejnosti a soukromého sektoru. Vstupní podporující architekturu poskytuje platforma INSPIRE pro tvorbu kompatibilních harmonizovaných geodat pro užití na celoevropské úrovni.
Tříletý projekt byl řešen konsorciem 30 partnerů z celé Evropy, spolufinancovaný Evropskou
komisí. Projektové řešení zahrnovalo vytvoření ukázkových aplikací. Projekt si kladl za cíl vytvořit udržitelný rámec pro opakované použití referenční geoinformací veřejného sektoru na různých úrovních jejich detailu. Konsorcium se zavázalo, že bude poskytovat ELF platformu i po skončení projektu, což umožňuje růst používání a opakované použití důvěryhodných, přesných a opakovaně použitelných oficiálních referenčních geoinformací. …….Více ELF White Paper
AgriXchange (2009 – 2012)
The agriXchange is a EU-funded coordination and support action to setup a network for developing a system for common data exchange in the agricultural sector.
The agriXchange project worked on establishing a platform on data exchange in agriculture in the EU, consisting of a technical infrastructure and a community of practice developing a reference framework for interoperability of data exchange in agriculture identifying the main challenges for harmonizing data exchange in agriculture, resulting in a strategic research agenda (SRA). The project consortium consisted of 15 partners from 11 countries.
FutureFarm (2008 – 2011)
FutureFarm was a European project funded by the EU as part of the Seventh Research Framework Programme. The official project start date was 1st January 2008, and the project duration is 3 years. The full project title is “Meeting the challenges of the farm of tomorrow by integrating Farm Management Information Systems to support real-time management decisions and compliance to standards”, and the funding is under the Cooperation programme of the FP7 in the Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnologies (Knowledge Based Bio-Economy) theme.
COIN (2008 – 2011)
The mission of the COIN IP was to study, design, develop and prototype an open, self-adaptive, generic ICT integrated solution to support the above 2020 vision, starting from notable existing research results in the field of Enterprise Interoperability (made available by the Enterprise Interoperability DG INFSO D4 Cluster and specifically by the projects ATHENA, INTEROP, ABILITIES, SATINE, TRUSTCOM) and Enterprise Collaboration (made available by projects ECOLEAD, DBE, E4 and ECOSPACE).
In particular, a COIN business-pervasive open-source service platform will be able to expose, integrate, compose and mash-up in a secure and adaptive way existing and innovative to-be-developed Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration services, by applying intelligent maturity models, business rules and self-adaptive decision-support guidelines to guarantee the best combination of the needed services in dependence of the business context, as industrial sector and domain, size of the companies involved, openness and dynamics of collaboration.
This way, the Information Technology vision of Software as a Service (SaaS) will find its implementation in the field of interoperability among collaborative enterprises, supporting collaborative business forms, from supply chains to business ecosystems, like a utility, the Interoperability Service Utility (ISU). The COIN project will finally develop an original business model based on the SaaS-U (Software as a Service-Utility) paradigm on the base of the open-source COIN service platform.
HUMBOLDT (2008 – 2011)
The main goal of the Humboldt project was to enable organisations to document, publish and harmonise their spatial information. The software tools and processes created will demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe as planned by the INSPIRE initiative, meeting the goals of Global Monitoring for Environment and Security.
The technical goal of Humboldt was to support Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) enablement by providing the functionalities for covering the data hamonisation process as a whole. The Humboldt Tools and Services are built on current state of the art and standards, designed to provide solutions to all types of users, data custodians as well as private end-users. Humboldt enables the use of single functionalities as part of your own infrastructure.
CO-LLABS (2008 – 2010)
CO-LLABS standed for: “Community-Based Living Labs to Enhance SMEs Innovation in Europe”. It was a Thematic Network in the ICT-PSP program (CIP) under theme 4.1 Sharing Experience on ICT Initatives for SMEs. The over-all objective of the CO-LLABS Thematic Network was to achieve a European-wide adoption of ICT-based Living lab services and practices to allow SMEs to improve their innovation capabilities and processes and become part of “open innovation” environments.
Collaboration@Rural (2006 – 2009)
C@R project aimed to boost the introduction of Collaborative Working Environments (CWE) as key enablers catalyzing rural development. According to this strategic goal, the C@R Integrated Project proposes a complete set of research activities and tasks which will identify, develop and validate technological responses to actual barriers jeopardizing the sustainable development in rural areas.
To achieve this priority objective, C@R will advance on the specification, development, test and validation of a powerful and flexible worker-centric collaborative platform that will significantly enhance the capabilities of rural inhabitants, both, @work and @life, thus leading to a better quality of life and a revalorisation of rural settings.
AMI4FOR (2005 – 2008)
The main objective was to establish a new concept of Ambient Mobile Intelligence (AMI) for forest, vinary and agriculure management integrated mobile communication, new methods of navigation (GPS, EGNOS, GALILEO) and integration of spatial information including satellite imaging (SPOT, IKONOS, EROS, PROBA). The specific objectives The integration of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (integrated satellite imagery) as part of a forestry and agriculture knowledge system on the base of standards and recommendations of OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) with principles of Semantic Web The design and implementation of a communication and navigation system in a heterogeneous network (terrestrial Internet, GPRS, WIFI, satellite) in combination with current and future navigation systems (GPS, EGNOS, GALILEO). The use of new methods for data mining, modelling and analysis for improving forestry and agriculture (in particular precision farming and vinery) management. The new technologies will support the building of the forestry and agriculture knowledge system (forest management, precision farming, vineyard management).
MILQ – QC – TOOL (2005 – 2007)
The aim of this project MILQ-QC-TOOL was to develop an easily accessible user-friendly application for heat treatment in dairy processes that is available on the internet and can safely accessed from terminals in the own environment. The project is set up around the bracket of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) to optimise heat treatment in the production of dairy products. The application is easy to use and the results should be interpretable for the quality / product design personnel of the participating dairy companies. Now, the project phase has finished the application will also be made available for other users. Measures have been taken to manage maintenance, security and marketing of the application past the project horizon.
The uniqueness of the models used in this application is the integration of a number of product parameters together with processing parameters. In comparison, most research projects are about finding and estimating single parameters. These predictive models have been applied by larger dairy companies with success for research and development purposes. It is expected that if SMEs have access to similar software, innovations and process optimisation speed is enlarged. At this time, at the end of the project, the models are bundled in an easy to use the application called WebSim-MILQ.
AMI@Netfood (2005 – 2006)
The objective of AMI@Netfood project is to support the implementation of the IST Research Priority and Framework Programme, providing a long-term vision on future trends on Scientific and Technology Research oriented to the development and application of Ambient Intelligence technologies to the agri-food domain. The project will be carried out developing an ERA Pilot joint collaboration platform resulting from a roadmap the area of Applications and services for collaborative working. As a result AMI@Netfood will provide a path, in the form of a Strategic Research Agenda, common to a number of EU Member States and Regions, which will be designed to guide RTD in ICTs to provide an answer to identified needs of the sector. The project will provide a framework to discuss about the increasingly demanding need of having collaborative and mobile applications and services and innovative ways to tackle social issues and to bring benefits to consumers, industry and the environment. AMI@Netfood results will specifically focus on the solutions adaptable to the needs of local/regional SMEs in the Agri-food sector in themes like innovative extended products and services, rural development, efficient knowledge creation; sharing and exploitation through collaborative activities involving the individual – the mobile user and worker. AMI@Netfood analysis will be developed involving key regional and national policy makers with responsibility in the design of RTD policies and programmes in the area of ICTs and Rural development at regional and/or national scale. By this, the project will generate a basis to identify mechanisms to mobilise public-private partnerships and investment needed on Research. Project results will also be widely disseminated so that they can be used to help in preparations for future Community, National or Regional research and technological development policy activities. AMI@Netfood will help creating a sustainable network that will be used as the basis for the definition of a set of common objectives that would be applied to a potential Technology Platform for the EU research in the area of ICTs for agri-food and Rural Development.
Premathmod – Statistical and mathematical modelling, data analysis, simulation and optimisation methodologies for precision farming
The goal of the project was to improve methods for data access and statistical data analysis in precision farming. It will focus on new and improved farming systems and their associated support tools. The main tasks solved within the scope of the project:
- To implement modern informatics tools for agriculture precision farming practise, for data storage and data access based on metadata technology, new Open GIS (Geographical Information system) tools and new advisory data sources as very high resolution satellite data. End user testing and evaluation will be provided.
- To implement and test methods for data analysis in precision farming, based on the multidimensional evaluation of probability, the theory of information and combination of the different levels of measurement with the different types of uncertainties which have to be taken into consideration. 3D (three dimensional) modelling methods for chemical elements and organic matter will be tested. A cost benefit analysis of the methods and data sources will be provided.
- To assure dissemination of the project results. The data will be structured in such a way that they might be used by scientist, service organisations and also by farmers. Additionally, direct WWW publishing of the results will be assured. The results will be presented on conferences and exhibitions and in journals.
- To enable education of farmers via Internet. In terms of methods and technology to be used for education of farmers, the course developers will include homogeneous multimedia components in the training courses (simulation, 2D/3D technology animation, training games, dynamic case studies) which should assure a clear and user-friendly education. Innovative database tools will be exploited in order to prepare multimedia components for future multilanguage modification. Practical education of farmers will be provided in the project and courses will be evaluated.
The objective of the AFORO project was to provide a vision and work plan to implement future RTD trends for the transformation of agrifood industries into digital enterprises”. The AFORO consortium split the agri-food domain into several more “manageable” sectors. Each of them had its own roadmap. The selected sectors were:
- primary sources,
- processed food products,
- beverages, and
- additives, conservatives & flavours
For every sector the main objectives were:
- to define business needs,
- to identify the main constraints to be taken into account,
- to define technology independent roadmap based on business demands
The AFORO methodology defined an approach on how the business needs of the agrifood domain can be established in an ordered way.
Regeo – Multimedia GEOinformation for e-Communities in Rural areas with Eco-tourism
REGEO wanted to develop a geo-multimedia data content management system for rural regions. It was provide a link between existing regional geo-multimedia data sources to establish a regional e-community.
The goals of THE VOICE were:
- The identification of the common and generic technology elements essential for the establishment of a collaborative environment that supports web-based domain-specific vertical organisations;
- Identification of common interface mechanisms for data, applications and service establishment, including “exchange languages” for the interaction and exploitation of available resources;
- Implementation of prototypes, i.e. the implementation of collaborative environments with representative applications and services for domain-specific vertical organisations involving the Earth science domain.
Wirelessinfo – Wireless supporting agricultural and forestry information systems
The main WirelessInfo project objective was to implement advanced wireless communications into multimedia systems and services for rural applications. The target applications areas were:
- State forestry information systems
- State agriculture information systems
- Forestry consulting information systems
- Agriculture consulting information systems oriented mainly on precision farming
- Forest owner system – supported forest
- Farming information systems
- Land management
- Water management
The WirelessInfo project was trials project, so the intention was to introduce newest results of research and technological development into new applications areas. There were demonstrated new technologies and new practical solutions for agriculture, forestry, water management, land management, rural development, and environment protection practices. The whole project was oriented on the connection of GIS systems (including GPS technologies, remote sensing, photogrammetry, 3D modelling) with wireless communication based on utilisation of 2G and 2.5G networks (GSM, GPRS, HSDCS). The main objective was exploitation of wireless communication for the both side data transport (server – terrain, terrain – server) has to short down a time between data collection and data processing. The main communication platform was Mobile Internet. Such solution offers multimodal data access (computer – computer, computer – human, human – computer, computer – machine, machine computer).
Czech National projects:
EarthLookCZ (2007 – 2009)
The national EarthLookCZ project looked for the ways, how to connect GMES data, how to publish own data and combine it with the others, how to create new services from available data and share them on the web. The technical output from the project, a prototype of the EarthLookCZ portal, was of course only one from the several possible answers to these questions. The solution of the project is based on the idea to implement several independent tools for geo-spatial data searching, data management and visualization into portal and to give a possibility to users to work with their own data together with data from external sources. Also an implementation of INSPIRE principles was one from the most important steps in portal development. EarthLookCZ portal presents new way of the GMES data utilization.
EarthLookCZ – stránka nefunguje
Navlog (2004 – 2007)
The goal of Navlog projects project was to join to design and implement innovative navigation and logistic solution for agrarian and food production sector. The idea is to build open solution which will alow to manage production in any time from any place.
MobilDat (2004 – 2007)
The goal of MobilDat projects project was to join to design and implement innovative mobile solution and mobile visualization for sharing and updating of spatial knowledge with special focus on forestry. The focus is not only on direct technological development but also on interoperability and standardization methods and tools for mobile data management.
Geovisualisation in crisis management
Archiv projektů