GEO sdružuje mezivládní, mezinárodní a regionální organizace s mandátem pozorování Země a související činnosti podléhá schválení GEO pléna . Členství a účast na GEO je závislá na formální potvrzení 10letých prováděcího plánu GEOSS . Pro více informací o stává zúčastněných organizací, kontaktujte prosím sekretariát GEO na . V současné době existuje 89 zúčastněných organizací v GEO.
Podpora otevřených dat je projekt EU DG CONNECT ke zlepšení a usnadnění přístupu k datovým sadám uveřejněných na místních a národních otevřených portálech pro zvýšení jejich opětovné použitelnosti uvnitř i za hranicemi. Podpora otevřených dat je pan-evropská iniciativa a cílí na zkušené , ale i ty, kteří teprve začínají.
The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (Geoss) is a coordinating and integrating network of Earth observing and information systems, contributed on a voluntary basis by Members and Participating Organizations of the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO).
Open Data Support is a 36 month project of DG CONNECT of the European Commission to improve the visibility and facilitate the access to datasets published on local and national open data portals in order to increase their re-use within and across borders.
Framework programs:
- 7th Framework Program
- 6th Framework Program
- 5th Framework Program
7th Framework Program Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) is the next programme in a series of multi-annual Framework Programmes that have been the European Union’s main instrument for funding research and development since 1984 – as provided for by the Treaty establishing the European Community. Programmes have so far been conceived for a period of five years. FP7, however, is proposed for the period 2007-2013, and will be the successor to the current FP6, which is due to run until the end of 2006. The debate on FP7 has already started and will include negotiations among the European institutions, Member States and stakeholders throughout 2005 and 2006. As the accompanying Communication ‘Building the ERA of knowledge for growth’ – points out, knowledge underpins all components of the Lisbon strategy. Research is a key component of the ‘knowledge triangle’ along with education and innovation, and is at the core of the EU’s strategy to deliver growth, competitiveness and employment while maintaining social and environmental sustainability. The new EU financial perspectives for the period 2007-2013 proposed by the European Commission increase the role of knowledge and innovation in the EU budget; mobilising a range of funding tools that include the regional Structural and Cohesion Funds and a new generation of Education and Training Programmes.
6th Framework Program The Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) (6.FP) was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 3 June 2002, including amendments from the European Parliament. The activities are intended to integrate research efforts and activities on a European scale. They will be carried out in a limited number of priority thematic areas. Seven priority areas have been selected:
- Genomics and Biotechnology for Health
- Information Society Technologies
- Nanotechnologies, Intelligent Materials, and New Production Processes
- Aeronautics and Space
- Food Safety and Health Risks
- Sustainable Development
- Citizens and Governance in an Open European Knowledge-Based Society
FP5 was accept by decision of European Parliament on 22nd November 1998.. FP5 has a multi-theme structure, consisting of seven Specific Programmes, of which four are Thematic Programmes:
- Quality of Life and management of living resources (Quality of Life)
- User-friendly information society (IST)
- Competitive and sustainable growth (GROWTH)
- Energy, environment and sustainable development (EESD)
And three are Horizontal Programmes , which underpin and complement the Thematic Programmes by responding to common needs across all research areas:
- Confirming the international role of Community research (INCO 2)
- Promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation (Innovation/SMEs)
Improving the human research potential and the socio-economic knowledge base (Improving) FP5 was conceived to help solve problems and respond to major socio-economic challenges the EU is facing. It focuses on a number of objectives and areas combining technological, industrial, economic, social and cultural aspects. This approach is reinforced by the Key Action concept. Key actions deal with concrete problems through multi-disciplinary approaches involving all the interested parties.