Research Executive Agency
H2020 Research and Innovation Action
Living Lab research concept in Rural Areas – “LIVERUR”
Kick-off meeting
Av. de los Jerónimos, 135, 30107 Guadalupe, Murcia
WIRELESSINFO (WRLS) is a partner of Consortium
WIRELESSINFO is non-profitable Czech virtual research institute founded in 2003 by Czech participants on project WIRELESSINFO IST 1999 – 21056 to share common IPRs from WirelessInfo project. WRLS has a very wide field of activities with a big exploitative research and implementation potential on both on Czech market and international market. Main goals of WIRELESSINFO are activities in research, new development, testing and exploitations of new geographic information systems and technologies for data collection and data management.
The Czech Living Lab – WIRELESSINFO represents a research and development environment in which several research institutions, business companies and regional authorities work together in order to develop projects in the area of new technological concepts.
Currently WRLS become Innovation Hub focused on support for implementation of new technologies for agriculture and rural development.
Role in the project LIVERUR
WIRELESSINFO as Czech Living Lab and Innovation Hub for Agriculture will cooperate on building sustainable Living Lab Model together with Úhlava, o. p. s. (UHLAVA). WRLS will use its experience from building of Living Labs network and share practical experience from WRLS operation and also will re-use previous experience from collaborative@rural project. In the LIVERUR project, WRLS will act as a technical partner of UHLAVA and will cooperate in the area of Czech Piloting areas. WRLS will take responsibility for building ICT solution supporting implementation of business model for UHLAVA. WRLS is focused mainly on re using of new technologies for geo-data providing and exchanging. Development of applications based on collaborative technologies, implementation and integration geo-spatial services and tools into new Open Data and Open Source solution represent the main activities of this living lab not only within EU funded projects, but also in day to day working environments. The target applications are usually formed from collaborative tools – individual and independent components, which should have some of following characteristics – Open Web Services, Collaborative Environments, User Involvement for technical solutions, Technological platform independence, Re-using of existing tools, methods and technologies, De-centralized data sources, Open interfaces.
WRLS will re-use existing database of Smart Point of Interest ( Open Land Use ( and Open Transport Map , which will be important source of information for regional analysis and also for final application. These databases are currently managed by Plan4all – WRLS will build on the top of this database information system about regional producers and application for clustering.
More about project LIVERUR