We are pleased to invite you to the special event – the joint conference connecting the 20th International Conference on Information Systems for Agriculture and Forestry (ISAF) & Geomatics in Projects 2016 & 1st annual conference of Plan4All.
The event will be held on 5th – 6th October 2016 at Kozel Chateau, Šťáhlavy u Plzně, Czech republic
Conference Venue
The Joint conference takes place in the Chateau’s Kozel Riding Hall. More detailed information about other parts of the castle areal can be found at the pages of the chateau Kozel. Parking for participants of the conference is prepared at inner chateau’s parking.
The conference is bilingual. First day will be held in English, second day in Czech language.
We welcome also papers focused on following topics – Geomatics in: Agriculture * Cultural heritage * Geodesy * Open data * Public administration * Third dimension * Transportation * Environment * Tourism * Education
Contribution registration For the registration of an abstract of the conference contribution, please fill in the contribution registration form. Abstracts are accepted in both English and Czech language, as the conference is bilingual. First day in English, second conference day in Czech language. Abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. If you would like to publish a full paper of your contribution in a journal, please indicate your interest in the registration form. Selected papers related to agriculure or regional development will be published in the Agris on-line journal indexed in Scopus.
Participant registration
Besides the abstract registration above, each conference participant is asked to fill the participation registration form.
Conference fees
• Conference fee is 35 EUR (~ 900 CZK) paid in advance or 40 EUR (~ 1 050 CZK) at the registration desk.
• Student’s entrance is free.
• Payments can be accepted via bank transfer, On-line by credit card or via PayPal account.
You will recieve detailed information about how to pay the fee after answering the participant registration form.
Open Data Hackathon for Environment and Entrepreneurship as a part of the joint conference will be held on 3rd – 4th October 2016 at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
Hackaton Venue
Hackathon takes place in the NTIS Research center building in room UN-656, 6th floor in research wing (blue walls) of NTIS building. Detailed navigation plan inside of the building will be provided soon. Parking for participants of the Hackathon can be at outside parking of NTIS. Description for geo-geeks: 49°43’35.654″N, 13°21’7.244″E.
Important Dates
• 15th September 2016 – Abstract registration deadline
• 22th September 2016 – Participants registration deadline
• 3rd – 4th October 2016 – Open Data Hackathon, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
• 5th – 6th October 2016 – ISAF & Geomatics in Projects & Plan4All Joint conference, Kozel Chateau, Šťáhlavy u Plzně